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Biology Subject MCQs Entry Test for PPSC, FPSC, NTS

There are all important MCQs of Biology Subject. That mostly repeated in PPSC Lectures & NTS Educators past papers. We collect that entry test helping material very hardly. Collected from past papers, Text Books, Official websites and from other sources. By solve these important MCQs questions , you will able to solve the 99% final test.


Biology Subject Entry Test For PPSC, FPSC, NTS

By follow the following points you can never fail in Biology PPSC Lecturer entry test. 

  • Read the all subject related texts books from 9th-14th class.
  • Prepare the notes.
  • Also purchase the helping books from Bazar like Dogar, Carvan, Hamdard Books about your subject related.
  • Find the Past papers & get the idea.
  • Solve the below given entry test online.
  • Read the all material regularly till the date of final entry test / exams.
  • Mostly candidates missed the chance, because after apply they not give the interest in preparation.

Biology Subject MCQs Online Entry Test & Past Papers

For Preparation of Biology Lecturer PPSC entry test, this given Important MCQs are very important. These questions will cover the all Biology related topics. That online quiz will refresh your knowledge about the Biology main concepts. We sure if you get the good marks in this online entry test preparation segment, you will be never fail in final PPSC Lecturer jobs or any other entry test.

Start “Biology Subject” Online Entry Test

Now you are going to participate in online test preparation. This test is purely conduct for Biology subject. For Start Click on “Start” button. Best of Luck !

Biology Subject Entry Test

There are all "Biology" subject related important questions. That we collected from Text Books & Past Papers.

1 / 50

The word biology is derived from____?

2 / 50

Stomach is an example of____?

3 / 50

Which are not vegetable organs___?

4 / 50

In the West, Bu Ali Sina is also known as _____?

5 / 50

Which of the following is not unicellular organisms___?

6 / 50

The example of micro-molecule ____?

7 / 50

How much nitrogen is present in making body mass of a living organisms____?

8 / 50

The bark of ____________ tree was the cure for malaria ?

9 / 50

A scientific law is an irrefutable____?

10 / 50

Mendal experimented on ____________ plants ?

11 / 50

Group of similar organism that interbreed and produce fertile off springs is ______?

12 / 50

Animals classified by the Scientist name______?

13 / 50

Group of species having similar character is called _____?

14 / 50

Who divided living organisms into three kingdom Classification system____?

15 / 50

Cutting down of trees is known as_____?

16 / 50

Who discovered Golgi bodies ?

17 / 50

In plants, _______________ conduct water.

18 / 50

Fungi grow best in habitats which have______?

19 / 50

Fungi resemble animals because they are_____?

20 / 50

Which of the following is a primary bacterial cell wall function____?

21 / 50

Gram negaive cell wall has______?

22 / 50

Gram negaive cell wall has______?

23 / 50

The branch of Biology dealing with social behavior and communal life of human beings is _____?

24 / 50

The common name of Allium cepa is_____?

25 / 50

In the lytic cycle of a bacteriophage, the host DNA is______?

26 / 50

Which one of the following is not a viral disease______?

27 / 50

The study of microorganisms is called______?

28 / 50

AIDS is caused by____?

29 / 50

Planaria reproduces asexually by_____?

30 / 50

Vector DNA and Gene of interest, collectively called______?

31 / 50

Human insulin was prepared by becteria first time_____?

32 / 50

Which one is co-ordination in nervous co-ordination____?

33 / 50

In coordinates muscle movements is _______?

34 / 50

It is also called sound box_____?

35 / 50

The uncontrolled cell divisions in lungs tissue is called___?

36 / 50

The length of trachea is___?

37 / 50

Which of the following cells is most abundant in the blood__?

38 / 50

Ulcers occur in the _____?

39 / 50

Dietary deficiency of _______ is quite common.

40 / 50

Where are the villi found___?

41 / 50

The major energy currency of all cells is__?

42 / 50

krebs cycle occurs in ____?

43 / 50

The building units of enzymes are___?

44 / 50

Number of discovered enzymes are____?

45 / 50

In which language, Ibn-Rushd translated the Aristotle's book "de Anima" _____?

46 / 50

Nucleus is visible only in_____?

47 / 50

Cell walls are found in these organisms, except for _________?

48 / 50

Supporting tissues are also known as___?

49 / 50

Leuocoplasts are colourless, _______________ shaped.

50 / 50

Cellular eating is called___?

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View : All PPSC Subjects Lecturers Past Papers & Entry Test

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